The price shown above is per quarter metre. Fabric can be purchased in quarter metre units. For example, if you wish to order 1 ½ metres enter “6” as the quantity (6 x 1/4m = 1 ½ metres). The fabric will be sent as a single piece.
Product Reviews
This is a really lovely fabric, very pretty design on a pale blue background, perfect for the quilt I'm working on and excellent quality. Delivery was super quick as always. Very pleased.
Frances - South CoastI loved the material,its quality and colour. Thanks so much to Cotton Patch for very efficient service over the Christmas period and for sending a colour sample which confirmed the fabric was the colour I needed. A quilt backing is expensive if it's the wrong shade.
Rosemary Stephens - PontypoolThis fabric is perfect for backing a vintage Laura Ashley hand sewn patchwork quilt that I have only just got round to nearly completing. (After 30 or so years.)
Carol - Plymouthvery pleased with fabric - slightly paler than image
Anonymous -Very nice quality fabric and good colour
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