Flowerfields Fabrics
Walks in the fields. Meandering in the flowerbeds. Daisies in the hedgerows. Sunday table celebrations after a morning at the family kitchen garden. I usually return home from the allotment with bunches of flowers alongside the pickings of beans and tomatoes we love to let the flowers bloom where they seed to give colour and merriment among the veg. Into a favourite jug they go and often a painting or drawing will ensue trying to capture their informal beauty 'Sunday Table'. This new Sarah Campbell collection 'Flowerfields' grew from some of those paintings. Arranging my nonarranged flowers into fabric repeats has been such a treat; from the tiny pots in 'Ranunculus' to the overflowing baskets of 'Celebration' I've been able to play with some favourite themes. Weaving amongst the flowers are abstract patterns reflecting ploughed fields and raked beds pathways meadows and hedgerows: 'First Light' and an 'Evening Walk'. There are so many ways to put these patterns together juxtapose harmonize contrast complement by content colour size scale type. There's scope for the natural companions 'Celebration' 'Pool' 'Floret' and surprise pairings 'Evening Walk' and 'Sunday Table' and unexpected balances: 'Cubist' 'Echoes'. As on any ramble through the fields there are many views and vistas to delight and astonish; colours and compositions to comfort and confi.rm; the changing rhythms of nature.
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